Thursday, March 21, 2013

How LinkedIn is Revolutionizing the World of Recruiting


Chances are that if you are professional working in the developed world, you used LinkedIn as a networking tool. Today over 97% of all human resource and staffing professionals use LinkedIn when recruiting for skilled positions.

Here’s a look at how LinkedIn is revolutionizing the world of recruiting:

LinkedIn - Revolutionizing the World of Recruiting

Image compliments of Masters in Human Resources Degree Guide

Some interesting facts from the graphic:

- While there are 200 million users, only 50% have completed their profile

- $3,500 is the average expense for a company to recruit and hire for a position

- Only 20% of LinkedIn users are actively looking for employment but…

- LinkedIn allows recruiters the opportunity to steal away happy workers

- The social aspect of LinkedIn increases the accuracy of information available to recruiters because people are less likely to lie about their experience when people they know have access to their profiles.

One thing the graphic does not address but which would be worth knowing: how much can a social networking site like LinkedIn save a company in recruiting expenses? My guess is that by consolidating efforts and picking from a large pool of talent, human resources recruiters save both time and advertising expenses. I imagine that the $3,500 figure for recruiting comes way down when a company focuses on LinkedIn as it’s primary recruitment tool. The centralization and efficiency probably requires less HR staffing (labor expenses) and more efficiently spent marketing dollars.


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