A Russian company is working to perfect an interesting new digital personal assistant that could bridge the gap between Google Now and Siri and more futuristic artificial intelligence concepts like Samantha, Joaquin Phoenix's digital companion in the movie Her. .. Continue Reading Cubic mixes Siri, Google Now and Samantha from "Her"
Section: Robotics
Tags: Android, Apple, Artificial Intelligence, Google Now, Indiegogo, Personal Assistant, Robots, Voice recognition
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A Russian company is working to perfect an interesting new digital personal assistant that could bridge the gap between Google Now and Siri and more futuristic artificial intelligence concepts like Samantha, Joaquin Phoenix's digital companion in the movie Her. .. Continue Reading Cubic mixes Siri, Google Now and Samantha from "Her"
Section: Robotics
Tags: Android, Apple, Artificial Intelligence, Google Now, Indiegogo, Personal Assistant, Robots, Voice recognition
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