Nuclear weapons are a paradox. No one in their right mind wants to use one, but if they're to act as a deterrent, they need to be accessible. The trick is to make sure that access is only available to those with the proper authority. To prevent a real life General Jack D Ripper from starting World War III, Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) Defense Technologies Division is developing a system that uses a nuclear weapon's own radiation to protect itself from tampering... Continue Reading Nuclear weapons write their own security codes
Section: Military
Tags: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Nuclear weapons, Radiation, Security
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Nuclear weapons are a paradox. No one in their right mind wants to use one, but if they're to act as a deterrent, they need to be accessible. The trick is to make sure that access is only available to those with the proper authority. To prevent a real life General Jack D Ripper from starting World War III, Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) Defense Technologies Division is developing a system that uses a nuclear weapon's own radiation to protect itself from tampering... Continue Reading Nuclear weapons write their own security codes
Section: Military
Tags: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Nuclear weapons, Radiation, Security
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