While most virtual reality headsets place an emphasis on gaming, Canadian company Cordon Media believes that the technology is suited to everyday computing tasks such as browsing the web or watching video. It intends to bring its vision to the masses via the Pinć (pronounced “pinch”) VR headset, which is designed for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and folds right up to fit in your pocket... Continue Reading Pinć wants to bring virtual reality to mainstream computing
Section: Wearable Electronics
Tags: Crowdfunding, Headset, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Virtual Reality, VR
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While most virtual reality headsets place an emphasis on gaming, Canadian company Cordon Media believes that the technology is suited to everyday computing tasks such as browsing the web or watching video. It intends to bring its vision to the masses via the Pinć (pronounced “pinch”) VR headset, which is designed for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and folds right up to fit in your pocket... Continue Reading Pinć wants to bring virtual reality to mainstream computing
Section: Wearable Electronics
Tags: Crowdfunding, Headset, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Virtual Reality, VR
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