Sunday, January 14, 2018

TV with a Twist


비헨스 티비

There’s no quicker way to kill your aesthetic vibe than with an unsightly TV and, unfortunately, that is most TVs. Next to “ceiling fan”, it’s one of the words interior designers hate to hear! We love a creative way of masking these entertainment appliances and the Inkel Reinterpret TV concept does just that.

Instead of disappearing into the wall or disguising itself as something else, it simply doubles as a modern shelving unit. When it’s not in use, it looks more like a modern, perhaps even artistic and sculptural shelf, so you might not even notice that it’s a TV. The flat top-mounted surface (which is also a speaker unit) is the perfect place to perch your picture frames, remotes, books and more. The 20-degree swivel feature ensures you can view it from almost any angle in the room.

Designers: Seo Joung Yu & Yea Seul Kim

비헨스 티비

비헨스 티비

비헨스 티비



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