Wednesday, October 16, 2019

This amusing wine glass shaped chair adds the buzz your living space needs!


A bit of exciting news for all wine connoisseurs; you can now add a splash of your favorite wine to your living space! After spending months working on the interior design of a winery’s hotel, Spanish interior and product designer Marta Del Valle was hit by a wave of inspiration. How do you integrate the exquisite color schemes and light play you find in a mere glass of wine into your home? And lo and behold  “the Merlot’ was born.

Created wholly from thermoplastic polycarbonate and supported by a stainless-steel frame, the chairs quite simply represent a glass of wine. The Merlot is available not only in the form of a classic chair and a stool but also comes in three colors, depending upon your wine of choice: red, white or rosé. Del Valle describes the design as “simple” and “sexy”. “The design itself is quite simple, just a cup of wine sectioned in two different ways creating a Chair and a Stool” Del Valle explains. There is a certain minimalistic and crisp appeal to the Merlot chairs, though they still manage to pack a punch and elude a fun-filled aura. As for me, the deep red hues of the ‘red wine inspired chair’ makes it a clear cut favorite over the white and rosé wine pieces.

A product of wanting to have fun while designing, Del Valle herself admits that the Merlot chairs aren’t ideal for tedious and work-oriented actions such as studying, working or consuming long meals. But for all you fun-loving design enthusiasts, and not to mention wine lovers out there such a piece would only liven up any space it is placed in. So if you’re in the mood to “Take a seat, have a sip”, well then the Merlot may just be the next quirky piece of furniture you need in your home!

Designer: Marta Del Valle


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