Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Retain your chilled drink’s temperature with this drawer equipped mini-fridge!


Working away in your home office space and need a refreshing beverage, but too lazy to go all the way to the kitchen? Watching a movie, and want a chilled beer, but too invested in the film to actually budge? For all those of you who live alone, and don’t really have someone to grab something for you from the fridge, you know the pain of walking over to it when you’re completely engrossed in something. Well, product designer Taewoo Kim created ‘Drawer’, a mini-refrigerator that promises to be within the reach of your fingertips!

Inspired by an actual drawer, Kim’s mini-fridge snugly fits underneath desks! Looking more like a piece of furniture, than a home appliance, Drawer can be easily placed under a desk or any other convenient nooks and crannies in your home. Its furniture-like aesthetic allows it to easily merge with the interiors of your home. With sufficient space to store beverages, bottles and some food items, Drawer is perfect for a single person household wherein refrigerable items are a few. Handle free, you only need to push the door of the mini-fridge to access it.

However, Drawer’s most interesting feature would be its cooling cup holder! Similar to a drawer in your desk that you tug out, the cooling cup holder can be pulled out to reveal a cup holder that keeps your drinks chilled at all times. You can work away, or watch a movie, with your chilled drink easily accessible. No more picking up your drink to find that its back to a gloomy room temperature. Air vent holes can be found on either side of Drawer, so you can easily push it against the wall and save up on a whole lot of space.

Drawer’s cooling cup holder has literally won my heart! The thought of having a chilled beverage always by my side, without having to move my body gives me goosebumps, and I can’t wait for this concept to turn into a reality!

Designer: Taewoo Kim


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