Sunday, February 2, 2020

A bamboo iron to smoothen out the wrinkles in sustainable living


Sometimes we think we are leading sustainably by just using metal straws or paper bags, but if you carefully look at your daily life, you’ll notice there are so many products that use plastic. The best we can do is find alternatives for them and support designers, brands, businesses who are working on making the future a better place to be. One such product is the iron and Indian designer, Saksham Mahajan, who has come up with a sustainable version of it made from bamboo!

The designer started the project as a challenge to explore bamboo as a material, “It’s sustainability can be exploited to make so many different things”, says Saksham – and we agree! Bamboo is structured, sturdy, easy to grow and eco-friendly, in fact, it is used to make houses in Asia so why not use it to make household items too? The bamboo iron box was selected as one of the best entries in the Green Concept Award 2019 which furthers the conversation of using this versatile material in more products.

When they say its the thought that counts, it is true, this concept is just a thought right now but someday it’ll be a real product. Sometimes a thought is powerful enough to inspire a global movement and that’s what our planet needs right now.

Designer: Saksham Mahajan


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