Friday, November 6, 2020

This rotating hand dryer was designed to be an inclusive virus-killing machine for everyone!


What is a product that we have simply given up on when it comes to design? Hand dryers! While we have some high-tech versions that dry our hands in 10 seconds and have UV lights to kill bacteria, have you ever thought if they are actually accessible to everyone who may want to dry their hands? What about someone on a wheelchair in a bathroom at the mall or the movie theatre – can they reach the hand dryer? This inclusively designed hand dryer is here to answer that question with a strong ‘Yes!’

Accurately named U Dryer aka Universal Dryer, this design focuses on making the product usable for every type of person who walks into the washroom. Along with the aesthetic facelift, the U Dryer comes with a simple rotational feature which makes it accesible to adults, children, elderly folk and even those who use a wheelchair. Have you seen parents picking up their children awkwardly in public washrooms? This design solves the problem of having to be at a certain height if you want to dry your hands. U Dryer’s main button is seamlessly hidden which protects it from water damage and also from people who may accidentally turn it off/on. It also features a UV light that allows for 360-degree sterilization when the motion sensor detects your hands. A product like this would certainly be essential in the new normal where people can disinfect their hands without sanitizer too. On that note, the hand dryer has HEPA filters built in to prevent any viruses from coming in contact with your hands, especially when it is installed in a public bathroom. These filters also help to purify the air around the product.

The only thing to add would be voice control which can help make it more inclusive and reduce the risk of product contamination via touching – many kids tend to touch things within their reach and blind people also go by their sense of touch. A smart design detail was to connect the cord to the rotating shaft part which prevents the wire from getting tangled even if the product rotates 90 degrees. U Dryer has an overall ‘clean’ design which is aligned with its mission – it might just be the most modern and sleek hand dryer we have ever seen!

Designers: Yeom Jin Soo and Designer Dot


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