Don’t go grabbing your fly-swatter yet! These houseflies are a convenience, not a nuisance! Designed as a quirky novelty, the Fly Push Pins replace your boring old board pins with something unique, eye-catching, and definitely conversation-starting!
The pins are shaped and sized to look exactly like houseflies (complete with the wings), and when pushed into a board, look like you’ve got flies resting on your important notes. I guess it helps undercut the seriousness of what’s pinned up on the board, creating a fun environment… but more importantly, it evokes a reaction – something that art (or appropriately kitsch) is supposed to do. Now that reaction could be a fond smile, a look of surprise and awe, or of sheer abhorrence and disgust. Either way, you’ve got yourself some fun stationery on your hands (or on your board).
Designer: SuckUK Design Team
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